[GNC] How to record 'balancing' trnsactions?

Paul Feakins paul at antropy.co.uk
Wed Jul 12 10:51:53 EDT 2023

On 12/07/2023 15:44, Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2023-07-12 05:19, Paul Feakins wrote:
>> Why would you have 2 separate instances of GnuCash rather than simply 2
>> Asset accounts?
> What he said.
> And I'll just add that when you have two independent sets of books,
> sooner or later they're going to fall out of sync through human error,
> and then you'll have a bigger mess.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com

Indeed. Plus the asker didn't copy in the list but replied to me 
directly asking "Why not?"

I replied with:

Because the Church is one entity and it owns both accounts?

Because GnuCash is designed to handle multiple Asset accounts?

Because opening 2 instances is more complicated than opening just one?

Because a transfer from one account to the other would be easier in the 
same instance?

Paul Feakins

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