[GNC] Two Instances as opposed to two separate files

Paul Feakins paul at antropy.co.uk
Fri Jul 14 07:49:25 EDT 2023

On 14/07/2023 12:34, Fross, Michael wrote:
> I  run multiple instances at the same time, but you have to open 
> different data files. I’d keep them in different directories to be tidy.
> I have two different icons each with a different name of the data file 
> as an argument.
> There is a an argument to not auto open the last file(no -file?). I’m 
> not near my computer.
> As a note, I don’t change any settings that are program wide with both 
> running.
> Michael
With a mailing list such as this, I believe the convention is to put 
replies at the bottom?

Anyway, why go as complicated as having a shortcut to the GnuCash 
executable with an argument?

Not not have your shortcuts to the data files themselves and the OS will 
know to use GnuCash to open them.

Paul Feakins.

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