[GNC] Income Statement versus Transaction Report

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Thu Jul 20 13:24:47 EDT 2023

Ah. Interesting conundrum.

Many moons ago that there was issue with some of the code for the 
various price options in reports. I don't recall the details, but I seem 
to remember that 'average' was thought to be the most accurate at the 
time, and there was discussion of removing the other options until they 
could be fixed/improved.

I'm not sure what progress has been made in that regard since.

In the meantime, I wonder what happens if you created additional splits 
(or separate transactions) between the two currencies - say from a USD 
income to a COP asset, with the accounts used just for reporting 
purposes. I would think you'd get your trading splits in that case, and 
can specify the proper FX. Then you'd have fixed transactions for the 
report which wouldn't need price conversion at all, since they would be 
in the transaction itself.

Of course, with the extra accounts, you'd need to exclude them from 
other reports like a Balance Sheet.


On 7/20/23 12:11 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> I have Trading turned on.
> The income accounts in question are using COP as their currency.
> Transactions in those accounts do not show any splits for Trading.
> Income in those accounts is coming from an Asset account that also is in
> COP.
> So, there is no conversion between COP and USD involved in that transaction.

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