[GNC] Should GNUCash allow a split to reference the same account twice

David T. sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 20 14:59:25 EDT 2023

There are many situations where that can legitimately happen-- for example, when you have two charges contributing to a particular total (think of a paycheck with income from base salary and income from bonuses). Your want to see each listed separately, even though they combine to one final figure. 

And yes, it can be confusing. I have found that changing the register view to Transaction View can simplify things by showing each transaction as a single entity, with each entry split showing as part of the whole. 

⁣David T. ​

On Jul 20, 2023, 9:19 PM, at 9:19 PM, Henry Law <news at lawshouse.org> wrote:
>Earlier today my wife was running GNUCash to update "her" bit of the
>accounts and got into a serious tangle because she (inadvertently)
>changed a newly-imported transaction so that its two splits -- which
>should have been our current account and her credit card account --
>both referred to the credit card account.  She then reconciled one half
>and not the other, which caused a cascade of issues which took me
>several hours and a manual edit to the GNUCash file to fix.
>Should GNUCash refuse to allow a transaction to have two splits into
>the same account?  My knowledge of accounting is scant, but with it I
>can't see why one would ever legitimately do that.
>Henry Law                    n e w s @ l a w s h o u s e . o r g
>Manchester, England            
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