[GNC] "Comparative" reports?

Simon Roberts simon at dancingcloudservices.com
Thu Jul 20 19:46:54 EDT 2023

> From: Michael or Penny Novack <stepbystepfarm at comcast.net>

Thanks, I can see a custom built "paper" report having merit. I think the
accountant is comparing with "that evil program" which allows side by side
"live" reports that they can click-to-dive in.

> ------------------------------
> From: NoobAlice <NoobAlice at airmail.cc>

> In GnuCash 5.1 (not sure when feature first showed up, but I think it
> was recent), you can do this for nice divisions such as year, half-year,
> quarter, month, 2-weeks, and week.
> Reports > Income & Expense > Income Statement (Multicolumn)
> or
> Reports > Assets & Liabilities > Balance Sheet (Multicolumn)
> In Options > top tab General, choose Period Duration of how you want the
> info split, then choose start and end dates appropriately.

Wonderful thank you. All the more reason for me to upgrade. I'd been
putting it off on the "it's fine as it is" basis, but this sounds like a
good trigger.


> ------------------------------
> Message: 9

> From: Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net>

> In addition to the new multi-column ability of some reports as NoobAlice
> pointed out, you can also run old-school 'Custom Multi Column' reports
> which lets you put multiple reports into 'one'. You can of course
> further manipulate this in a spreadhsheet app as Michael noted.
Aha, also helpful to know, thank you Adrien

Much appreciate everyone's input :)

Simon Roberts
(303) 249 3613

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