[GNC] Should GNUCash allow a split to reference the same account twice

Amish anon.amish at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 12:25:23 EDT 2023

Yes, I use this feature a lot when purchasing bonds in bond market.

In my case, first I deposit money say 2500 with broker, then I buy bonds 
say worth 2100 (21 bonds worth 100 each) and by end of the day I get 400 
back in my bank.

This I note down (simplify) as a single transaction with 3 splits:
Foo bank  - Debit 2500
Bond (as stock) - Credit 21 units worth 100 each
Foo bank - Credit 400

Please do not disable this feature.

Thanks and regards.


On 20/07/23 23:16, Henry Law wrote:
> Should GNUCash refuse to allow a transaction to have two splits into
> the same account?  My knowledge of accounting is scant, but with it I
> can't see why one would ever legitimately do that.

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