[GNC] Another try at "How to record payments for several items paid with a single transaction?"

David Cousens davidcousens49 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 16:58:30 EDT 2023

You create a multisplit transaction with the item names in the description/memo
field and select the same expense account in the transfer account. GnuCash will
automatically put the balance of the transaction in the next open credit field.
Select the amount  and override it for the correct amount then tab to the next

Descr/Memo  Transfer account       Debit  Credit     
             Asset:bank account    3.49
Choc Bar     Expense:food                 0.99
Pear Drops   Expense Food                 1.50  
Chewing gum  Expense food                 1.00

David Cousens

\ Mon, 2023-07-24 at 10:38 +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> Maybe I should put this a different way, the answers so far don't seem
> to quite address my question, probably because I'm not describing what
> I'm trying to do.
> So, very simply, say I am buying sweets in a shop and I select:-
>     One bar of chocolate        0.99
>     Two bags of pear drops      1.50
>     Chewing gum                 1.00
> Then I pay the shopkeeper       3.49
> I want to record this in GnuCash in a way that shows that it is a
> single transaction debiting 'cash in my pocket' and crediting
> 'shopkeeper' but I want to detail the items making up the transaction. 
> How do I do this?

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