[GNC] How to split an existing account into two sub-accounts?

Paul Feakins paul at antropy.co.uk
Tue Jul 25 05:59:56 EDT 2023

On 25/07/2023 10:53, Chris Green wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 10:31:23AM +0100, Paul Feakins wrote:
>> On 25/07/2023 10:27, Chris Green wrote:
>>> Is there an easy way to take an existing account and make it into two
>>> sub-accounts and, at the same time, move transactions in the account
>>> to one of the sub-accounts.
>> You're thinking about it in a very strange way.
>> 1. Make an account at the same level.
>> 2. Make that account the parent of the account you talk about "splitting".
> How do I do that? I tried drag&drop of the account I want to become a
> sub-account but that didn't work.
> OK, I've got it, it's in the 'Edit Account' you can select the parent
> account.
>> 3. Make another account at the same level.
> Thank you, job done! :-)

Yep that's right, edit account and select parent.

To avoid spamming the list it might be worth spending a few minutes 
trying things yourself before asking simple questions and if you're 
really stuck then ask.

Paul Feakins

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