[GNC] Upgrading to 5.3 from 2.6.15

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Thu Jul 27 00:47:31 EDT 2023

You should be able to get close.

You can see monthly periods, you can 'use accumulated totals' for each 
month as they progress. (YTD) You can show a yearly 'Totals' column set.

For each set (period & total) you can see Budget, Actual, and Variance 

I don't think it is exactly just 1 month, YTD, Total though.

But you might try playing with the Range & Consolidated options on the 
General tab. So maybe set the range to 'current period' for a start, 
'last period' for end, and then consolidate the periods after the 
current one which should then show up as a single set of YTD type 
numbers if using Accumulated Amounts. And then display a Totals column 
and of course include Budget, Actual & Variance options.

Note too, you can customize the budget time frame itself. It doesn't 
have to be an entire year. Maybe a combination of all of the above will 
imitate Phil's report.


On 7/26/23 11:14 PM, larry johnston wrote:
> I think we will stay in 4.14 for now.
> We found the 'use accumulated totals' function under budget reports and it
> gives us the basic information we need.
> In Phil's old YTD report you could have a nine column report that showed
> the current month, YTD and to the end of year, with the budgetted amount,
> amount soent and the difference. That way you could see how you did vs your
> budget in the month and year to date and how much you had left to spend to
> the year end. I haven't  been able to replicate that. Do you know if it is
> possible, or do you have any hints?
> TIA,
> Larry
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2023, 8:52 p.m. Adrien Monteleone <
> adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>> Good to know that you made it to 4.14.
>> As for which version of 5.x to land on, that's up to you.
>> Some folks aren't keen on the changes to the auto-fill for the
>> Description field. (I like it personally)
>> There were certainly kinks in 5.0 and 5.1 in that regard,
>> It seems they have been fixed in 5.3, but then potentially new quirks
>> were discovered, or introduced there. (I might have found/confirmed one
>> myself which I don't like, but it isn't a deal breaker for me, just an
>> inconvenience.)
>> If you really are hesitant, just stay on 4.14 for now and keep an eye
>> out on this list for discussions around that and other topics that you
>> find of interest which reference changes in the 5.x series. Then make
>> the upgrade when ready.
>> The 'Accumulated Totals' preference is part of the Budget Report. Before
>> the introduction of this feature, you could only see each period (month)
>> in isolation, and a 'Totals' column, but that Totals column was for the
>> entire budget. So you could see your actual spending YTD, but the
>> variance was based on the entire year. (showing you how much you had
>> 'left' in a budget, but not how you stood at that point in time.)
>> I find both Accumulated Totals, and the Totals column to be helpful when
>> understood what they report.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> On 7/26/23 10:37 PM, larry johnston wrote:
>>> We started GnuCash from the shortcut on our desktop.
>>> We have now opened the 3.11 files and ran check and repair on them. All
>>> looks good.
>>> I notice that some people have issues with 5.3. Should we upgrade to 5.1
>>> instead of 5.3?
>>> Also once we get into 5.x where do we find the 'Use Accumulated Totals'
>>> report?
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