[GNC] GnuCash preferred OS - Windows or Linux

R Losey rlosey at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 15:11:25 EDT 2023

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 2:59 AM Ben Kamen <ben at benkamen.net> wrote:

> On 7/25/23 9:31 PM, R Losey wrote:
> I'm not afraid of compiling stuff (I design FPGAs and regularly have to
> write the Linux Kernel drivers for my FPGA device designs and then the
> userland software to drive it. Oy!)
> but I do like to run my financial stuff in a dedicated thin install of
> windows in a VM on my main Linux server which I can get to from everywhere
> via VPN tunnel back to my server with VNC. So there is that.

Noted. While I have built some apps under Linux, I attempted to build
GnuCash once upon a time (before I knew about this list), and it failed...
it failed badly enough that it corrupted my existing Linux install, and I
could not run GnuCash at all. With this list available, I may try again
sometime to do the build... I will need to set aside the time.

> If you can get GnuCash running on Linux, it's nice that Linux already has
> perl, so one doesn't have to install a perl environment (should you care
> about online quotes).
> I started tinkering with it on my laptop which is Mint (with a Windows VM
> via VBox) -- but really dug in deep with the install on the aforementioned
> windows VM on my network's central Linux Server.

I don't know if you'll use the stock quotes, but on Windows, you have to
install a Windows-based perl environment (Strawberry Perl, I think). Even
then, it didn't seem to work well for me. I may have just given up too
easily.  But if you don't need this feature, windows will work great.  For
the last several years of using Quicken, I ran it on a Virtualbox VM
running Windows.

I gave up trying to get GnuCash to talk to various financial institutions;
> I enter everything manually and routinely balance my accounts. It works for
> me.
> OK - that's good to know. A major reason I'm ticked at QB/Intuit is their
> mucking with the sync stuff (when they don't have to) and the choice there
> is, "If I'm going to manually enter transactions, then is moving to
> something else even worth it. The whole point is to avoid the double entry
> errors if possible.)

I used sync under Quicken, but only to check that I hadn't missed anything.
>From what I've read, it can be a bit of an issue in GnuCash, so I'm fine
with entering things manually and reconciling accounts on a regular basis.

> Thanks for the info though... I'm gonna keep tinkering for now.

You're welcome... Enjoy tinkering!!

Richard Losey
rlosey at gmail.com
Micah 6:8

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