[GNC] Issue with Finance::Quote

Bruce Schuck bschuck at asgard-systems.com
Thu Jul 27 16:27:20 EDT 2023

On 7/27/23 10:46 AM, bernard at deprez.biz wrote:

> Just gave that a shot:

> C:\Strawberry\cpan\build\Finance-Quote-1.57-0>perl Examples\stockdump.pl 
> alphavantage QQQ
> Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at 
> C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote/AlphaVantage.pm line 234.

You left out the command that shows the version.

C:\Users\bschuck>perl -MFinance::Quote -e "print 


It could also be helpful to send the output of "perl -V" (upper case V 
to be sure). It's only the last 5 to 10 lines that I am interested in at 
the moment, but the entire output would be okay.

If you don't mind, please also try to set PERL5LIB before running the 
example script.


Followed again by:

C:\Strawberry\cpan\build\Finance-Quote-1.57-0>perl Examples\stockdump.pl 
alphavantage QQQ
$VAR1 = {
           'QQQ∟close' => '377.5200',
           'QQQ∟last' => '376.6200',
           'QQQ∟currency' => 'USD',
           'QQQ∟net' => '-0.9000',
           'QQQ∟date' => '07/27/2023',
           'QQQ∟low' => '375.3100',
           'QQQ∟volume' => '63506417',
           'QQQ∟p_change' => '-0.2384',
           'QQQ∟method' => 'alphavantage',
           'QQQ∟symbol' => 'QQQ',
           'QQQ∟success' => 1,
           'QQQ∟currency_set_by_fq' => 1,
           'QQQ∟open' => '382.9700',
           'QQQ∟isodate' => '2023-07-27',
           'QQQ∟high' => '384.7100'

Bruce S.

P.S. - did you forget to Cc the list, or did you mean to reply just to me?

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