[GNC] Description field, freezes

Steve Miller srmnonessential239x at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 07:03:44 EDT 2023

Just noticed that someone else here reported (see below) the exact same
problem I experienced after installing 5.3 GnuCash in Windows, weeks ago.
And I thought I was the only one (I posted my frustration here several
weeks ago)

Subject: Re: [GNC] Unable to enter data in "Description" field of a
My issue is that, yes, I can retreat and go back, but it still freezes
after adding 1 character.  I have to retreat and go back for nearly ever
single character in my description ... REALLY annoying!!

If I opt to manually enter a description (by opting out of the
autocomplete) in the description field, it FREEZES after entering a single
character.  If I'm trying to enter a 10 character word for a new entry, I
enter the first character, it freezes, I then save it by clicking outside
that entry, then go back and enter the 2nd character, it freezes I save it
by clicking outside the entry, etc etc etc.  It is, frustrating.to say the
least.  Why I previously asked if there was a way to just turn off the
entire auto-field description feature (I understand there is not).

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