[GNC] Description input on a transaction difficulty

Vincent Dawans dawansv at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 20:29:39 EDT 2023

Hi David:

This is could be related to a known issue that is currently being worked
on, an hopefully the improvement will be ready for 5.2

See https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798829 for more details

Typically the issues others are having is to bypass the automatch, which
can be done by typing while ignoring the automatch and clicking with your
mouse (do not use tab on the keyboard) to move out of the description into
the transfer column. If you use the tab key, you will trigger the
automatch, but clicking with your mouse should bypass it.

However what you describe seems to be a bit different: "the autofill tries
to find a match, but if it does not I am unable to continue typing the
description I want." I certainly have not heard of that. Can you explain
what you mean by "I am unable to continue typing the description I want".
Are you saying that typing on your keyboard doesn't add characters to the
description at that point, regardless of what the automatch is doing?

Possibly the above fix coming in 5.2 will resolve your issue as well.


Vincent Dawans

On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 4:53 PM David Long <davidvernonlong at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> What happens is that when I enter the description, the autofill tries to
> find a match, but if it does not I am unable to continue typing the
> description I want. As Michael D Novack, says , I can end up fighting with
> GnuCash to get the description I want. Also, when I try to backspace and
> delete letter by letter, that does not seem to work either.
> It must be something unique to my installation, if it effects nobody else.
> The suggested trick of putting in a wrong starting character does not seem
> to work either, as then I cannot continue typing.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> David

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