[GNC] Description input on a transaction difficulty

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Wed Jun 14 10:33:56 EDT 2023

On 6/13/2023 7:52 PM, David Long wrote:
> Hi,
> What happens is that when I enter the description, the autofill tries to
> find a match, but if it does not I am unable to continue typing the
> description I want. As Michael D Novack, says , I can end up fighting with
> GnuCash to get the description I want. Also, when I try to backspace and
> delete letter by letter, that does not seem to work either.
> It must be something unique to my installation, if it effects nobody else.
> The suggested trick of putting in a wrong starting character does not seem
> to work either, as then I cannot continue typing.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> David

Not unique to you (I am often "fighting" to enter what I want)

But I do NOT understand what you mean by "entering wrong initial 
character doesn't work", So let's go back and restate what you say you 
are seeing. That's because I strongly suspect what you just wrote not 
what you meant to write.

  "the autofill tries to find a match, but if it does not I am unable to 
continue typing the description I want"

Am I correct? NOT what you meant to write. You meant to write....but if 
it does......"

I also suspect that you misinterpreted my suggestion. I suspect you are 
trying to do this AFTER you tried entering a description and gnucash 
"matched" after you had typed a few characters. And you are then trying 
to correct the situation by changing the first character. That is NOT 
what I meant. I meant starting over, enter the description with this 
wrong first character. Won't match (at least not the first time). Then 
after the transaction has been entered, you go back and edit the 
description to have the right first character.

Michael D Novack

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