[GNC] Writing off Stock - More an Accounting Question than a GnuCash one

Jeff GnuCash-List at ratherbe.info
Sun Jun 25 01:42:55 EDT 2023

Hi List,

This is more a general accounting question than specifically a GnuCash 
one, but thought there might be better help on the list for it.

I use GnuCash for business use, and track the purchase of inventory.
This goes into an Inventory Account
When sold, the sale gets recorded against the Income Sales, and the cost 
of the goods gets recorded in COG's.

I have some stock that is either obsolete, or otherwise no longer fit 
for sale.  Just wondering what is the "correct" way to write this stock 
off. (In case it matters, I am located in Australia).
My thoughts were:
- Have an Account called Write-offs to record the transfer of the dollar 
amount from Inventory to Write-Offs.
- Also, record the cost of goods in the COG's account, just like it was 
sold.  This is the main bit I am unsure of.

Any other suggestions, or am I looking at this completely wrong?


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