[GNC] GnuCash 5.3 autofill headaches

Steve Miller srmnonessential239x at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 21:15:21 EDT 2023

Window 11 user here.  I finally upgraded to the 5 series, 5.3 specifically.
It all works great EXCEPT the autofill on the description in the register.
I wish there was an option in the preferences to turn that OFF.

I've spent more time playing around with that than I care to remember...
things I experience with it?

If I type any letter A-T, the list of prior descriptions pops up, but if I
type a letter U-Z it freezes.

if I type gibberish really fast when I get into the description box, I can
make the gibberish appear (not that that is useful!)

But if i try to type anything else, it generally (85%) of the time, will
freeze when I get to the second letter.  Then i have to delete the entry.

I've tried re-downloading 5.3, I've tried re-starting GnuCash repeatedly,
I've rebooted, I've changed the size of window for GnuCash, so I dunno, I'm
about to go back to version 4.14 or whatever I've been using for past
several years.

I just wish there was a way to switch that "feature" off...  I can't get it
consistently, or most of the time to work.  I'm quite happy manually typing
in descriptions...

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