[GNC] Backup

Maf. King maf at chilwell.net
Wed Jun 28 03:34:56 EDT 2023

On Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:46:45 BST James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have a backup drive. I have looked over it and I don't see it. Does
> Gnucash have a backup. Or what. ThanksJames Baxter Kangaroo52 at yahoo.com

Hi James.

If you are using the default  XML file to store your GC data, then it is 
possible to have GC set up in a way so that the *program* creates a sort of 
back-up file each time you save the changes you have made to the *Data* file.  
(I think GC does this by default, if you don't explicitly tell GC not to in 
the program options)

May I ask a related (rhetorical) question?

How do you back up your other *data* files?  (ie your photos, letters you have 
written in a wordprocessor, for example)  

If those things are important to you, then you really should devise a system 
you are comfortable with so that your important digital assets can survive a 
range of threats - from minor disk errors thru ransomware or hardware failure 
up to catastrophies like fire, flood etc.  There is lots of info on the web 
about how to do this and there is no correct answer that is right for 
everyone... and it is not on-topic for this list...

 Just (as a minimum) include your GC data file in that backup strategy you 
devise.... if you don't know where you have saved your GC data file, then that 
is the first thing you need to figure out (hints: look at the main window title 
bar for the filename and File -> SaveAs for the folder (but don't actually 
"Save"!)) before you consider if the file is backed up adequately or not...


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