[GNC] GnuCash 5.3 autofill headaches

Dustin Henning gcul209 at mynym.us
Thu Jun 29 11:42:32 EDT 2023

And it's worse.  Guess I REALLY should have read the release notes.  Now 
notes doesn't autofiill the old way anyymore so I have to manually type 
even more.  My search still isn't begins with, either, so my list is 
still extremely long.  I guess maybe they missed that on Mac.  At least 
everybody else is happy with the improvements.  I'm used to being an 
outlier, so it is what it is.

On 6/29/23 10:02 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Yes, they switched to a 'begins with' search. (release notes are your 
> friend - they are always posted on the website and here on the mailing 
> list in the release announcement)
> Since the list also shows more recent descriptions first, it is now 
> like 4.x, but instead of only giving you an auto-fill of the last used 
> similar description, you get more choices.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 6/28/23 4:00 PM, Dustin Henning wrote:
>> Sounds like a good enouh reason to take the leap. Do not fill is 
>> presumably the opposite of what I want, but if it shortened the list, 
>> it probably did so by filtering using a "begins with" type filter, 
>> which would at least help a little.  The problem with "keep typing to 
>> narrow it down" is I'm suddenly typing 10+ characters where 2 or 3 
>> would have been enough before, but that doesn't mean the new method 
>> can't have improved.  Thanks for the tips.
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