[GNC] GnuCash 4.902 Released

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sun Mar 5 23:17:33 EST 2023

The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.902, the second unstable release leading to GnuCash 5.0.

This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production data! Make a copy of your book to test this release. 

New Features

	• A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund account register open.
	• A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
	• A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
	• The description field quickfill in the register now displays a drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
	• File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
	• The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the Business tab; this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will appear enabling the user to select a different report.

Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not set or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed the button for.

Between 4.901 and 4.902, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:

	• Bug 798748 - Transaction Notes field's value does not appear in reverse transaction.
	• Bug 798754 - Build fails with gcc 13 and glib > 2.76
	• Bug 798759 - Register widths for 'with sub-account' not saved
	• Bug 798600 - CSV import of multi-split security transactions fails to load capital gain
Transactions with capital gains processing can have splits in transaction currency with a zero amount and a non-zero value. To properly import those, prefer the value column even if transaction currency equals account commodity. Previous (wrong) assumption was that in case of a same-currency split, the amount would always be the value. 

Update csv transaction export format to include split values. In the csv importer the 'GnuCash Export Format' option will now include values. For compatibility with filex exported from older gnucash versions the previous preset is still available under the name 'GnuCash Export Format (4.x and older)'. 

The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:

	• Bug 782141 - Import CSV - Multi-currency support can cause rounding errors
Replace the column types 'Deposit' and 'Withdrawal' with 'Amount' and 'Amount (Negated)' that are conceptually applicable more widely. Also introduce column types 'Value' and 'Value (Negated)' to allow construction of splits in commodities different from the transaction currency. While Value is the number in the transaction currency, always use 'Amount' in single-currency transactions.

	• Bug 793306 - Price is not imported from CSV
	• Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions can't be imported
	• Bug 797033 - The CSV Importer should not obey with the "automatic digital point" setting
	• Bug 797383 - Import transaction via CSV selects the commodity as a currency, results in an invalid transaction that is uneditable, and a corrupted price database.
Change the transaction currency to the from or base account's parent account currency if the from or base account is not denominated in a currency. This allows to import stock transactions directly into the stock account. 

	• Bug 797903 - Transaction window: The 'blue line' is always (erroneously) topmost when t. sorting order is inverted.
	• Bug 798334 - Importing transactions from CSV with space as thousand separator
	• Bug 798572 - Parse numbers with two minus signs as a positive numbers
	• Bug 798691 - Memo field not updated on CSV import using U+C
	• Bug 798732 - : Type of balance carry forward accounts for german skr49 account template fixed
The accounts listed are of the EQUITY type and not ASSET. 

	• Bug 798749 - Fails to read gsettings on startup
	• Bug 798753 - UX improvements in new import dialog
	• Bug 798763 - "Manage Document Link" keyboard shortcut is missing
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

	• Always use the Company Name from book options in reports, removing the Company Name report option. 
	• Fix the register sheet being insensitive when in reverse order
	• Allow C decls after statements.
Legal since C99. 

	• Make the scheme tests fail immediately if they load an external gnucash file.
	• [c++options] Restore the ability to set plot sizes in pixels.
	• [c++ options] Restore forward & backward compatibility, fix crash.
	• CsvTokenizer - add additional test case for escaped quotes
It simulates the case where csv fields are fully quoted and an escaped quote ("") is found in some field. This case is handled correctly, adding the test to guard this in potential future modifications. 

	• [dialog-employee] toggle sensitivity instead of visibility of GncAccountSel
	• [eguile-utilities.scm] remove fmtnumber
deprecated in maint. 

	• Sort the gnc tree view column menu
	• Delete action on account page not disabled on edits.
	• L10N:DE:Updating accounts from 0001 to 8000 DATEV-SKR04 2022-01-01
	• GSettings migration: Ensure that the current version is set on a new GnuCash installation and that migrations applicable to versions of GnuCash later than the current one do not run.
	• Turn on -Wunused
	• Rename Hellow World report to Sample Report.
	• Generic Importer - allow user to modify exchange rates for unbalanced transactions.
	• Make logging accessible from python modules
	• Allow C declarations after statements
Good for declaring variables at point of use 

New and Updated Translations: Czech, Hungarian

Help translate GnuCash on Weblate: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/gnucash/ 

Translators note that there is a new project Program-beta on weblate for this unstable branch. Having twice the strings causes us to exceed the free account limit, but Weblate has so far just warned us about it. If we need to change the branch we'll announce it on gnucash-devel.

Known Problems

Complete list of all open bugs: https://bugs.gnucash.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=blocker&bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=minor&bug_severity=trivial&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=REOPENED&limit=0&list_id=8149&order=priority%2Cbug_severity&query_format=advanced


There have been no documentation changes since 4.900 so continue to use that release.

Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a disk image containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Flathub.org. Instructions for installing and running.

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:

	• 424e477ef82a171dfe74db14433d6ff73002fa659619f325730041b1d15e7b4e  gnucash-4.902.tar.bz2
	• c5da520e4afe3fc89c220fec3147edfd283f83954962b944e79e077b23fe2e1e  gnucash-4.902.tar.gz
	• 290144cad57d73fc135c63f16f20ecf274500edc92d027d6438de98459760996  gnucash-4.902.setup.exe
	• 340b6eecf12c74670621cd94861ea2e6780f809d2e42fd11ffe971604fe18d57  Gnucash-Intel-4.902-1.dmg
	• c81a99d8e9ae287abad1a38f93fdac1a66e27f4f24aed85b25259df30bd1db83  gnucash-docs-4.900.tar.gz

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Flathub.org. Instructions for installing and running may be found at https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Flatpak.

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 4.901 for yourself, the source code can be downloaded from:

You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository, see
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git for instructions.

To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least Gtk+ 3.24, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.54, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.7.0, cmake 3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in the sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.

Getting the documentation

Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash website. It is built daily and may be found on the development server under the locale directory; "C" is English, "de" is German, and so on.

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 4.900 for yourself, the source code can be downloaded from:

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first stable release was in 1998.

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