[GNC] GnuCash flatpak "invisible" update?

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Mon Mar 13 15:33:47 EDT 2023

Op zondag 12 maart 2023 16:07:55 CET schreef john:
> A related and perhaps more interesting question for folks with a firmer
> grasp of flathub than I have: I'll be releasing both 4.14 and 5.0 in two
> weeks. IIUC flathub supports only one version at a time so there's no point
> in making a flathub build for 4.14. Both would be available from
> https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak. Is my understanding correct?

FWIW I think it's worth pushing both releases to flathub, first the 4.14 one and right 
afterwards 5.0. There are ways to install an earlier version of a package from a flatpak repo 
(like flathub). So if you push both, we can document how to install 4.14 if there are 
(important) issues with 5.0.

As for installing from https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak, that works, but was never 
really set up to be a source of release packages. So it's a bit awkward for people that are 
used to the convenience of flatpak.



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