[GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

Stan Brown the_stan_brown at fastmail.fm
Fri Mar 17 18:42:17 EDT 2023

On 2023-03-17 14:16, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match
> every one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so
> seldom make a mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one
> of my banks has issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.

I would have said the same, until recently. But twice in two months, my
Bank of America Visa account has shown a smaller amount for a gas
purchase than was on my receipt issued at the pump. I can't imagine why.
It wasn't the cashback rebate program -- that's a lump sum at the end of
every monthly cycle.

I don't do a formal reconciliation in GnuCash, but I do check every
receipt on the statement against my GnuCash account. Most often the
errors I find are that I recorded a purchase against the wrong credit card.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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