[GNC] Error in "Close Book" help text

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Fri Mar 24 19:30:00 EDT 2023

On 3/24/2023 5:48 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> When you first click 'New' or 'File a Bug', you get the option to 
> select Documentation. (see screenshot) I'm not sure if you can move it 
> after filing, but if not, one of the devs can do that for you. 

Care should be used in defining this bug. The documentation change 
should make it clear that this refers to closing the books using the 
built in clod=se the books tool.

As opposed to the logical/bookkeeping process "close the books" itself 
(possibly done without the tool, in other words, "manually". THOSE 
transactions would probably not be recognized as special. In which case 
would still need to be careful to run the Income Statement/P&L/Statement 
of Revenues and Expenses (the different names refer to how different 
types of entities know this report) BEFORE closing the books.

If LITERALLY modelling the old way, would have closed to a special 
account with a name like P&L and then THAT closed to equity by the net 
profit of loss that brings it to zero.

Michael D Novack

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