[GNC] Error in "Close Book" help text

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Mar 25 09:57:21 EDT 2023

On 3/25/2023 4:28 AM, David T. wrote:
> Michael,
> As a past documentation contributor, I'd assume any person taking up 
> this bug would attempt to document the functionality of the newly 
> added feature, regardless of the initial bug request.
> David T.

What I meant is that it is easy for those inexperienced with 
bookkeeping, especially those who never did it the old way, to conflate 
"close the books" (as a logical operation) and "close the books" using 
this particular gnucash tool. We see lots of this sort of confusion with 
"opening the books" using the opening value wizard vs doing it the old 
fashioned way with explicit transaction(s)  to enter the initial values.

It might seem unnecessary since most newbies hopefully read the 
tutorial, etc. but some new to gnucash but experienced with other 
similar software (like QuickBooks ---- not Quicken) or very experienced 
with old fashioned bookkeeping might jump right in and do things the old 
way (without the shortcut/tools). This is also just like the 
(unexpected?) behavior that to specify options for a report you first 
run the report default and THEN  use edit=?options to specify the options.

Michael D Novack

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