[GNC] Yahoo JSON - throwing unauthorized error

Bruce Schuck bschuck at asgard-systems.com
Mon May 8 17:00:42 EDT 2023

Hash: SHA1

On 5/8/23 13:05 PM, R Losey wrote:

 > Others will probably report this, but Alphavantage has a built-in
 > one minute delay for every 5 (I think 5)prices you look up; for
 > example: 4 stocks: may take 7 seconds; 6 proces: 1 minute, 7 seconds;
 > 12 prices: 2 minutes, 10 seconds..
 > I am talking about the free version of Alphavantage, by the way.
Unfortunately the AlphaVantage module throttles the requests regardless 
of API type (free or premium). Alpha Vantage should have an API that 
given an API key returns "free" or "premium".

Since data for more than one stock can be returned from a single API 
call, it may be worth the time to rewrite the module so it fetches all 
the quotes at once, or perhaps batches into groups of stocks.

I really have dug into how GnuCash calls the F::Q tool, but with the 
possibility that different securities can have different sources, is 
F::Q called once for each stock? Or does GC group them according to 
source and make one F::Q invocation for each source?

- - Bruce S.
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


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