[GNC] Finance:Quote again [sorry]

Bruce Schuck bschuck at asgard-systems.com
Sun May 14 13:26:34 EDT 2023

On 5/13/23 17:50 UTC, David G. Pickett wrote:

 > You seem to get to choose either Alphadvantage, which turns slow
 > after a few stocks, or Yahoo v6, where we wonder how long before
 > Yahoo discovers the v6 URL bypasses their v7 authentication and they
 > stop servicing it.

You are more than welcome to search for another source and contribute a
new module to F::Q. As I said here,
companies pay big $$ for realtime access to the securities data, and
with that comes licensing and limitations on how it can be shared,
resold, etc. Likely the reason there are not many sources freely available.

I also have a suspicion that Yahoo is going to notice an uptick in use 
of the v6 API and block it from outside access. That will likely repeat 
if the module is reworked to utilize one of the other URLs noted in the 
F::Q issue. In the end, may have to rewrite the Yahoo module to one that 
does web scraping instead of a simple JSON parse.

That said, I am looking at adding a module for what was World Trading 
Data and is now MarketStack (https://marketstack.com/). But it is only 
100 requests per *month* for just end-of-day data. Might not be worth 
the time.

- Bruce S.

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