[GNC] Account Summary Report Question

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Fri May 19 13:37:37 EDT 2023

> However, you don't have to do this every time you want to run the same
> report with the same options. After setting it up as you want it, use
> Saved Report Configurations. Find information about that in the
> documentation.

Your options would be saved even if you didn't do a "saved reports" as 
long as the report is still "open" (a tab exists for it). Thus typically 
for each set of books I have at least an Income Statement and a Balance 
Sheet still "open". This is a matter of how you use gnucash. In my case, 
I never have more than a few tabs open at the same time so plenty of 
room on that bar.

After running a report, I normally would export it to a directory which 
holds [past reports for that entity (that set of books). Note that 
especially in the past I would be keeping the books for a number of 
organizations.  That means a given report might be wanted in different 
forms, so exporting the "raw report" and then editing outside of gnucash 
to get the finished reports far easier << the level of detail wanted by 
a Board of Directors and the level of detail needed to fill out things 
like the 990-EZ or determine if 1099-MISCs need to be filed not the 
same.Thus the Bod might want to see the total paid for mowing orchards, 
not how much to each farmer doing that and whether >$600 in the year 
(1099-MISC needed).

Michael D Novack

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