[GNC] balance of interests between users and developers

G R Hewitt hewittgr at gmail.com
Sat May 20 03:37:08 EDT 2023

I agree with the sentiments WM expressed; I have had the growing feeling
from reading the emails that pet projects are worked on in isolation to the
It kind of reminds me of a model railway exhibition I once went to many
moons ago. On one large display, all nicely set out, no trains were running
as everyone involved was working on their particular pet project; the
signals weren't working as they were all in bits as 'something new was
being tried out',
the power to the track wasn't on for the same reason, and people with
trains to run were just hanging about with a cup of tea flicking switches
in the
hope that it, somehow, might work beyond the odd pulse of power that moved
the train a few inches and then stopped - or worse ran the train backwards
so it came off the lines.

On Fri, 19 May 2023 at 22:41, Wm <wm at ilipsis.net> wrote:

> I think the balance between users of gnc and developers of gnc has
> broken down.
> My personal instinct is inclined towards development, towards software
> getting better, being more inclusive, making things easier, you get the
> drift.
> Unfortunately it seems some personal projects got in the way of making
> gnc 5 better for everyone.
> The most obvious interaction fail is transaction completion which should
> have been an improvement but has ended up as an "I'm right, you are all
> wrong" issue :(
> see 798829 – 5.0 transaction completion features are buggy (gnucash.org)
> <https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798829#c21> for details :(
> For small organizations / charitable organizations / whatever they are
> in your locale, v5 broke reporting in a significant way.
> see 798809 – Multicolumn report error when reopened after saving.
> (gnucash.org) <https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798809>
> why? because preparing a standard set of reports is what is expected of
> small businesses, etc
> it is understood, pretty much in every jurisdiction, that you start with
> last year's balance sheet, you add in the income statement for the last
> year and present this year's balance sheet
> we call this accounting
> we call this reporting
> it is "where we were", "what happened", "where we are"
> Unfortunately, gnc5 *BROKE* the reporting mechanism that was working
> before.
> In fact, it is sufficiently broken that gnc5 CAN NOT BE USED for any set
> of accounts if a *single* date or *single* account needs to be changed.
> Basically, if you have organised a good set of accounts, carefully put
> them together and saved them,  YOU ARE *insert your worst word*.  It is
> that bad.
> Fun fact? The people that broke this don't seem concerned.
> --
> Wm ...
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