[GNC] gunzip test.gnucash fails

Ken Farley farleykj at gmail.com
Sun May 28 07:20:14 EDT 2023

Where did you get the impression that you could use gunzip to uncompress 
the files?

To "uncompress" the file you need to change your preferences in Gnucash 
to turn off "Compress Files", then save your file. This will make the 
file uncompressed.

Best practice would be to copy the uncompressed file to another file 
before doing any sort of manual editing. That's a delicate thing that 
could cause problems.

By the way, the file extensions of a file that is passed to any sort of 
uncompression software is usually how the program determines how it will 
handle the file. ".gnucash" is not a standard compressed file extension. 
gunzip most likely is expecting ".gz". That being said, unless it's 
explicitly stated in the Gnucash documentation somewhere, I wouldn't 
assume the Gnucash compression algorithm is compatible with any 
uncompression software.

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