[GNC] Dealing with discounts when not using Business Features

Michael Hendry hendry.michael at gmail.com
Wed May 31 13:26:12 EDT 2023

More of a bookkeeping query than a GnuCash problem, but here goes…

I am a trustee of a local jazz education charity, the main event being a jazz summer school with residential and non-residential options.

We offer discounts of 5% for two or more family members attending, 10% for group bookings, and also offer bursaries, but none of is these recorded explicitly in the books at the moment.

I plan to introduce two new accounts - Expenses:Discounts and Expenses:Bursary - and use these to “top-up” any individual’s payments to Income:Course Fees to the appropriate level. This way, each player will be represented in Income:Course fees as having paid either the full residential fee or the full non-residential fee, and under- or over-payments will be easer to pick up using a saved report, which can also itemise the discounts and bursaries using the Memo fields to identify the player (as opposed to the person paying, recorded in the Description) and the type of discount or bursary.

Does anyone spot any elephant traps that I’m missing?

Regards, and thanks,


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