[GNC] F::Q XAU & XAG quotes not retrieving for 2 years

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Oct 2 20:30:17 EDT 2023

Hmm... Seems that as of F::Q 1.53, Alphavantage mucked with getting 
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE with the free API, so F::Q switched to a FX_DAILY 
request that doesn't include Crypto or Precious Metals, but there is a 
note (in the Github Issues) that Aphavantage then reversed their 
decision so now presumably you can get those quotes with the free API key.

But I don't see any further info that as of 1.58 (current F::Q) that 
they have now switched back to CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE.

reference: https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/issues/246


On 10/2/23 7:09 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> This has been on my back burner for some time, but I decided to tackle 
> it for a spell tonight.
> I haven't been able to retrieve an XAG quote since June 2020, and an XAU 
> quote since December 2020.
> I've updated F::Q, and tried running GnuCash with debug logging, but 
> can't seem to find anything useful in the tracefile.
> Running the fq-dump from a terminal doesn't tell me anything different 
> from running it in GnuCash, only that:
> ```
>      Quotes for the following commodities were unavailable or unusable:
>      *CURRENCY:XAG Finance::Quote reported failure set no error.
>      *CURRENCY:XAU Finance::Quote reported failure set no error.
> ```
> Is anyone successfully pulling down these quotes?
> (*note, I need XAG:USD & XAU:USD)

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