[GNC] F::Q XAU & XAG quotes not retrieving for 2 years

Ken Farley farleykj at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 16:53:13 EDT 2023

Oh I don't think you have to do anything terribly complicated. I've had 
mutual funds change their trading symbols in the past, and it was as 
simple as editing the security via

Tools-> Security Editor

Changing all the perinent information for the affected securities. 
Gnucash uses that info, not the accounts, to determine what price 
applies to which particular lot of a particular security. I'll admit I 
also changed the name and description of the accounts, but that's only 
because I use the security name as the account name for a particular 
asset (i.e. Assets:Investments:My Brokerage:XYZ is the sub-account of 
"My Brokerage" that tracks my shares of "XYZ").

Alternatively, I suppose you could just change the "Symbol/abbreviation" 
to the relevant "code". That is the text that is used in online quote 
retrieval. Leave "XAU" and "XAG" as the display symbols for each. I'll 
admit I've not done this myself, so you'll have to see how it works out 
for you as far as reports and such look. But I definitely have never had 
to create new accounts to deal with symbol changes.

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