[GNC] Bad date not caught

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Thu Oct 12 11:00:22 EDT 2023


On Thu, October 12, 2023 10:40 am, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> In an account, I clicked on Duplicate of a transaction.
> I got a small popup with the date field highlighted.
> I typed in 5.19.21  (instead of the correct 5/19/21) and pressed enter.
> That got me the transaction duplicated, but with the
> date of 12/31/1969.
> Seems like the code should warn me about bad date.

What is "bad" about 12/31/1969?  Do you have something against the 60s? 
Something against new year's eve?  Or just don't like the coming 1970s?  A
"Bad Date" (in this context -- not some nightmarish dinner-and-a-movie
horror) would be "12/32/1969".

In all seriousness, GnuCash can't necessarily know if you MEANT to type
12/31/1969 or if it's due to the parsing of your input that results in
'0'.  Clearly, 12/31/1969 is not what you INTENDED, but I wouldn't
necessarily say it is a "bad date".

Having said that, there IS code in GnuCash that prevents adding new
transactions earlier than some specified historic period (e.g. 90 days
ago).  If you have that feature turned on (it is NOT turned on by default)
and this happened, then that would absolutely be a bug.

> I am running GnuCash 4.14
> on Linux Fedora 37

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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