[GNC] When closing books, equity statement report is incorrect

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Oct 22 14:41:02 EDT 2023

 From the GnuCash website:

"GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software..."

(also contained in the Readme.txt file)

How large or complicated of a 'small business' is meant here would be 
better answered by one of the developers, but an example of out-of-scope 
would be 'payroll'. While GnuCash includes Employees as an entity, that 
was for the purpose of Expense Vouchers, not Payroll. You can of course 
use GnuCash for payroll, but you have to do the transactions yourself 
(or import them). There is no function for it specifically.

I'm going to hazard a guess by the lack of functionality for 
shareholders and dividends, the same would apply here. That doesn't mean 
you can't accomplish the task, but that GnuCash wasn't designed with 
those specific features in mind.

There are plenty of threads here concerning reports showing a variance 
column. (amount and/or percentage) The current solution is to export to 
spreadsheet and manipulate from there. Really, that is the simplified 
version of what you are trying to accomplish with #3 goal.

I'm thinking rather than request a specific change for your specific 
case, either find an RFE (Request For Enhancement) with respect to a 
report that can help you accomplish the task, or file one if none 
exists. I'd think the first two candidates would be for a variance 
column to be available for the Balance Sheet (multicolumn) and Income 
Statement (multicolumn) as both already have a Total column available 
when set for more than one period.

If accounts are appearing in the wrong section of a report, that would 
be a bug.


On 10/22/23 1:23 PM, Quinn Wood wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 12:56 PM Adrien Monteleone <
> adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>> First, your use case might be out of scope for GnuCash.
> Could you clarify what you believe the use case is, and what you believe
> in-scope use of the software would be?

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