[GNC] DOS Payroll, Inventory, A/R, A/P, and G/L program

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Oct 30 16:58:25 EDT 2023

On 10/30/2023 1:37 PM, Bruce McCoy via gnucash-user wrote:
> David,
>    Here are the source code text files, *.EDT, for the program. They are in BKS.EDT.zip. These files are corrected. To make them easier to read, like TAXCODE.txt (q.v.), run them with TAS, which is in TAS.zip.
> BKS.EDT.zip, BKS.EDT.zip.txt,  TAS.zip  and TAS.zip.txt are in General at
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d323887f48f9gote69ohm/h?rlkey=gudyrc3o8r8wf0icti0k705gn&dl=0
> All we need to do that is find someone with DOS. I do not have a DOS machine any more. I'll ask my contacts to see whether they still have that capability.
> You may find people who use DOS. If so, you will be able to make the source code files read like TAXCODE.txt yourself.
> Best Regards.
> Bruce

Confusion? What would DOS (the operating system) have to do with SOURCE 
CODE files? It's the compiler's job and the link editor's job to turn 
that source code into an executable for running on some specific (these 
days generic) hardware under some specific operating system.

Thus if I had a program written in c that was once compiled and linked 
to run under DOS I would expect to be able to compile and link that 
program to run under the machine I now have (using the c compiler on my 
machine) and it should work just fine.

Michael D Novack

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