[GNC] DOS Payroll, Inventory, A/R, A/P, and G/L program

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Oct 31 14:28:59 EDT 2023

I'm of a similar opinion.

UI Mockups might illustrate requirements or scope that can be thoroughly 
described in words, but the code to accomplish that is a different beast 

There's no reason to try to translate DOS code to C++ or anything else. 
And there's no necessity of trying to preserve whatever logic that code 

There isn't even a need to rely on ancient UI/UX implementations.

The lack of a payroll module isn't because no one knows what it should 
look like or how it might work.

I'd posit that if anyone wanted to work on such a module, that they 
would and probably should, do so from scratch with modern tools, 
languages, and UI/UX paradigms from other *current* software on the market.


On 10/30/23 5:02 PM, David Cousens wrote:
> Thanks Bruce,
> I feel the source code is likely to be of little direct value if projects to
> develop a payroll and /or inventory system were to be started. A payroll system
> would have to account for the current range of payroll practices across many
> different jurisdictions with different industrial laws and would have to be
> written in a language(s) compatible with the GnuCash code. GnuCash AFAIK does
> not have a functional API in C or C++ code. Simailrly an inventory system has to
> acomadate the cost management and the model for inventory handling (FIFO, LIFO
> I have not explored the Python interface enough to know if it would be
> sufficient to implement the required interface functionality for payroll and
> inventory.
> Large parts of both of thesesystems are largely independent of the accounting
> functionality. If this were to be attempted one approach would be standalone
> modules which supply and or extract the necessary accounting information to
> GnuCash without otherwise impacting GnuCash's operation and code. If the
> necessary interfacing code does not exist it would have to be created in GnuCash
> to make these projects viable.

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