[GNC] Versions after 4.13 freeze in splash screen

john jralls at ceridwen.us
Mon Sep 11 12:13:13 EDT 2023

> On Sep 11, 2023, at 02:29, zuperkoleoptera <zuperkoleoptera at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I use gnucash under Debian testing with the mariadb backend, through an
> ssh tunnel to a VPS I maintain.
> Version of the mariadb is 10.3.39.  
> Everything worked as normal, until I upgraded in version 5.1  from 4.13
> where gnucash seemed to start but then remained indefinitely in the
> splash screen occasionally bringing forward the "Gnucash not
> responding" error with the option to wait or to force quit it. 
> If I pressed wait nothing happened until the error screen appeared
> again. 
> I waited until gnucash version 5.3 was migrated to Debian testing but
> the issue has not been resolved. 
> I have an older box with Debian testing that still runs 4.13 and is
> still operational, so for the time being I use that one. 
> I am attaching the gnucash_trace file from the box with the 5.3
> version. 
> If needed I have the gnucash_trace also from the one running 4.13. 
> Any ideas?     
> <gnucash.trace>_______________________________________________

The tracefile shows 10 minutes of
 10:59:29  INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_main_window_set_vis_of_items_by_action] Found menu_item 0x5570bb796ab0 with action name 'ABGetBalanceAction', seting vis to 'true'

For most, but not all, of the AQBanking actions registered by the AQBanking plugin.  I haven't yet tracked down why GnuCash would get stuck in a loop trying to load the plugin, but I guess there's also a packaging problem with the 5.x .deb that you're using. I can't tell you what it might be until I figure out what's causing the loop.

John Ralls

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