[GNC] Frequent imports always requiring intervention
David Cousens
davidcousens49 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 20:28:53 EDT 2023
Likely not. It is mainly because of bad habits indulged in by the institutions
you deal with. My bank only supplies a common direct debit request authorityno
for two separate direct debit gym memberships rather than a unique transaction
number and the matcher is never able to separate them into the spearate expense
accounts - their Bayesian scores are equal. You can try adjusting the
thresholds for matching in the import matcher to try and obtain better
David Cousens
On Thu, 2023-09-28 at 17:20 -0400, Steve Freeman wrote:
> When I import transactions (using csv) about 10% do not import, i.e. show up
> in red as requiring intervention. Some of these are repeated transactions,
> e.g. Apple.Com/Bill $5.32.
> Is there some way to teach GnuCash to accept these?
> Thank you for any help.
> Steve
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