[GNC] The equivalent for Quicken Tag

hh8923 at gmail.com hh8923 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 22:48:21 EDT 2024

I turned on double line and can see Notes.  There is one more space next to it but it’s not editable. 


The example for Donation can be solved with several different approach.  It’s more challenge to solve the general problem.  For example, there are multiple sub-account under main Account “Travel”.  The Tag is used to select the travel destination.  This creates a 2-D setup where you can track different expense types for each destination.


Another question is when importing from Quicken export QIF, is there some way to map Tag?


Is there a conclusion that GnuCash should not support Tag (a feature can exist and people can choose not to use it as if it does not so it won’t create problem for them while others can choose to use the feature)?  Or is it matter of lack of development resources?  If it’s the latter, I wonder someone who wants this feature can add it?




From: Jim Passmore <jim at passmore4.com> 
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2024 10:31 PM
To: hh8923 at gmail.com
Cc: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
Subject: Re: [GNC] The equivalent for Quicken Tag


How about a sub-account for each charity, as Geoff suggested, and *zero* tags?  Once you have the sub-accounts and use them, you can track the charity by running a transaction report.  Go to options, select Donations and all the sub accounts on the accounts tab, and set the desired  date range on the General tab.  Look at the other options while you're there to see if you want to change anything.


When I do the above, I get a report of all my donations, grouped and subtotaled by charity.






On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 9:26 PM <hh8923 at gmail.com <mailto:hh8923 at gmail.com> > wrote:


This means a sub category for each charity.

Now, if we have c categories and t tags, in Quicken we'd have c*t number of combination.  Creating 1 sub category for each tag under each category will be tedious.  In Stack Exchange, some suggested to use Note or Label.  But I could not seem to find them in the registry.  Is that possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff <cleanoutmyshed at gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmyshed at gmail.com> > 
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2024 9:24 PM
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user at gnucash.org> ; hh8923 at gmail.com <mailto:hh8923 at gmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [GNC] The equivalent for Quicken Tag


There are several solutions to this scenario, here is one using the chart of accounts.

etc etc

Hope this helps.



On 29/04/2024 11:03 am, hh8923 at gmail.com <mailto:hh8923 at gmail.com>  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to GnuCash.  In Quicken, I use Tag a lot.  For example, I 
> create one tag for each charity and set a single category for Donation 
> and use Tag to track charity.  Search yielded discussion in 2017 as 
> the latest when it's not available.  What's the latest status?  If not 
> available, what would be the best way to handle the above example?
> Thanks
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