[GNC] How to restore a previous backup?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Thu Dec 5 11:18:12 EST 2024

> On December 3, 2024 21:43:06 Billie Chandler <billiecha at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I need to restore yesterday's backup. How do i do that? 

How do you restore any other data? What is your procedure doing backups? 
Are you doing them daily? (the way you worded your question implies that 
a back-up of yesterday exists)

Like other applications, gnucash does not have its own back-up. Think! 
When you began using gnucash were you required to specify all sorts of 
things like "how often to make backups, what to call them, where to put 
them. Nor could any application do PHYSICAL things like "plug in an 
external USB drive"

That's why data back-up is best left to the user.

NOW -- gnucash IS making "session backups" (every time you save). While 
these are really for recovery DURING a session if you can correctly 
identify the correct one (the last one you made yesterday, you may be 
able to use that. Again this depends on your choices (did you specify 
"keep for X days", or "keep last Y versions" or what.

Michael D Novack

PS: Selecting the CORRECT version of backup data to restore is not 
trivial, even us pros have made costly mistakes. I remember well a "hell 
week" as one of the world's larger "financials" had to recover after a 
wrong backup was restored. Leading to my biggest career coup when I was 
tasked "Mike, can you devise something so that this could never happen 

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