[GNC] 'Total Period' shows 'Total' for one bank account

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Feb 3 08:50:29 EST 2024

Not sure what you mean by 'un-commented'. There were a few message 
exchanges in each thread, though there was no resolution for any of them.

I have the column turned on and I haven't noticed it not working 
properly, but I also haven't had any cases like yours or those in the 
other threads that make it obvious if it wasn't.

I would think it is intended to do just what it appears, show you the 
total for each account, but only for the current period. (how period is 
defined is a question of one of those threads) If it isn't doing that, 
I'd say it is a bug.


p.s.—an LED campfire is a travesty and would never do any respectable 
tall tale or ghost story justice.

On 2/3/24 2:18 AM, G R Hewitt wrote:
> Thanks Adrian, for taking the trouble.
> I had a look at the links and note they remain uncommented.
> I suppose the question is, then, what is the intention of the column?
> Perhaps the answer is 42 with the concomitant forgetfulness.
> Perhaps we shall never know and myths and legends will grow up
> around it to be told to wide-eyed open mouth children, sitting around LED
> campfires.

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