[GNC] Matching multiple duplicates for the same amount

Rich Stanton richstanton at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 14:14:32 EST 2024

Version 5.3, downloaded from the main GnuCash website. OS=Windows 11 Pro (64 bit). File -> import -> import QIF. 

My bank offers either a defined date range, or since the last download. Obviously the latter option is less hassle for me, because I don't need to manually work out what I last downloaded. And even if I did remember the dates, I'd still have to overlap the last/first dates in case there entries that were added later in the day after the previous download, so the problem would still exist.

Is that all the info you need?


On 11/02/2024 19:05:07, David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at gmail.com> wrote:
Please provide more information.  The version of GnuCash with source of download from the About screen, your OS,and the type of import that you are using.  Also, your bank is very unusual to offer to only download transactions that you have not downloaded earlier.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 11:23 AM Rich Stanton <richstanton at gmail.com [mailto:richstanton at gmail.com]> wrote:

Hi, I wondered if I've found a bug, or am doing something wrong. I import QIFs to GNUCash, my bank gives me the option to 'download everything since the last download', however it often duplicates the last transactions from the previous download and the first ones from the new download. GNUCash handles that fine by taking me to a dialog where I can match duplicates. 

However it doesn't seem to work properly when I have two transactions for the same amount. Here I get two entries as the new transactions, each of which has two duplicates it can potentially match with. I should be able to match the first entry to the first duplicate, and the second to the second. However if I check off the first entry to match the first duplicate, when I then check the second entry to match the second duplicate, the first entry changes to also match the second duplicate. If I change the first entry back (to match the first duplicate), then the second changes to also match the first duplicate. Essentially, I cannot choose two different matches for the two entries - when I change one of them, the other changes too, so they always both match the same duplicate. Or I can uncheck one of them, do the import, and delete the spurious duplicate afterwards - so there is a solution, but clearly this is not how the system is meant to work?


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David Carlson

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