[GNC] Viewing account balances of today

Thomas tduellmann+gnucashuser at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 11:21:14 EST 2024

Hello everybody,

I was wondering whether it is possible to change the account overview of 
GnuCash to the status of the current day.

What I mean is the following:
Usually, when I have some scheduled transactions or some expected 
transactions for the future, they show up in the balance and in the 
account overview immediately, even though they have a date in the future.

What I am looking for is the possibility to switch the account overview 
to include "all bookings up to today" (excluding transactions in the 
future). Is there such a feature or possibility to configure GnuCash 
like that?

(yesterday) Grocery shopping: 10 €
(today) Brunch: 15 €
(tomorrow) Monthly energy consumption deposit: 50 €

I'd like to see the status in the account overview where GnuCash 
(literally) draws the line ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance for any hints and pointers!

Best regards,

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