[GNC] Enhancement: Future sched txn update if updated template.

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Jan 17 22:15:24 EST 2024

You can't. They are already created.

The solution is don't create them in advance.

Otherwise, you are left with the tedium of manually editing each one 

I doubt the result of an SX has any link or record at all that it was 
created that way, much less has any tie to the template once created.

And I don't see how this usage of future transactions is anything other 
than related to budgeting. Forecasting is part of budgeting, and future 
transactions are forecasting. Of course, you don't have to take the next 
official literal step and budget an amount for those future periods, but 
that is just a formality.


On 1/17/24 5:08 PM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
> if there are already scheduled transaction fired from a given SX, and then you update the template for that SX, how do you back-fill all auto added transactions from that fired SX.  Remember that these auto created transactions show up in the reports 
which could be used for multitudes of reason, for example to understand 
outlay of monies for a year (which is different than budgeting IMHO).

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