[GNC] Unable To Get Reports
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Jan 26 02:23:31 EST 2024
There are known issues with reports on Windows with version 5.5.
To get reports working again, roll back to v5.4. However, that version
on Windows leaves an extra running process when you quit GnuCash. You
can either just safely quit that process if it bothers you, or leave it
be. (not sure if they accumulate if you leave them)
So alternative to that if you don't want to be bothered with the extra
process is to roll back to at least v5.3.
To find other versions of the 5.x series, click the "More Downloads..."
link on the GnuCash.org homepage.
Then scroll to the bottom and click the "View all GnuCash Downloads"
link which will take you to Sourceforge. From there, navigate in the
"gnucash (stable)" folder for the version you want. (there is also a
direct link to the last of the 4.x series on that More Downloads page if
you want to step that far back.) Since you are on Windows, you'll want
the .exe file for your desired version.
As for the 'lock' message, that is completely normal when GnuCash
doesn't exit cleanly. It is designed to warn you from opening the same
file multiple times for editing either on the same machine, or on
different machines. (GnuCash does not yet support simultaneous users of
the same file) If you know it really isn't open, and the message is the
result of a crash, you can safely choose to 'open anyway' and continue
your work.
p.s. - with respect to 'you/your' in your post, while there are
developers on this list, I'm not one of them, most folks here aren't.
This is a community user list where we help each other.
On 1/23/24 11:22 AM, David Gloss wrote:
> I am using the latest version:
> *Version: 5.5
> Build ID: 5.5+(2023-12-16)*
> When I try to run a report from your software "Reports", the system
> shuts down and when I restart I get this message:
> *Could not obtain the lock for C:\users\documents\gloss....gnucash.
> 2021....gnucash.2023....\gnucash*
> *The database may be in use by another user, in which case you
> should not open the database.*
> I do open it up and find the system is running normal, except for the
> "Report" portion.
> Have I done something wrong? Is there a bug in the new system? I have
> had nothing but good success prior to this recent version. Should/can I
> go back to the previous 5.4? If so, how should I get the program?
> I look forward to hearing anything from you - without a report writer, I
> will have to find another program ...
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