[GNC] Splash Screen disabled?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Jul 27 08:37:01 EDT 2024

On 7/26/2024 7:24 PM, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
> I have 4.14 in Windows 10 and 11. The splash screen appears, the
> progress bar for opening the last previously used file fills in from
> left to right, and when that's done the splash screen disappears. The
> whole thing takes about two seconds. I suspect that different times of
> seeing the splash screen are not due to different minor versions of GC,
> but rather to running on machines of different compute speed, possessing
> SSDs or traditional hard drives, and so forth.
We just had a different instance of this problem (window appearance too 
brief to see)

This is why ALL such displays should at the end incorporate a delay 
before closing, one or two seconds, independent of computer speed (don't 
waste time in useless processing; use a system call to "sleep for X time).

LOL -- back in my working days I wrote little routines  that allowed our 
programmers to have their programs make a call to utilize any of the 
"non-privileged" system calls (the routines being tiny programs in 
assembler). The "sleep for X" was the first of them. Needed when we 
began downloading/uploading between our PCs and the mainframe as time 
needed to switch their PC from acting as a terminal for their mainframe 
session and as an ordinary PC << when they submitted the job to do the 
transfer unpredictable how long before the mainframe would start that 
transfer job -- so once running the job added X seconds before 
attempting the transfer with X being enough time to make the switch >>


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