[GNC] Placeholder accounts and scheduled transactions

Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) stan+gc at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 31 10:08:39 EDT 2024

This month I changed "Cash and Banks" to a placeholder account, and
added subaccounts for actual cash and each of my bank accounts. But I
have a couple of scheduled transactions that credit or debit Cash and
Banks, and I forgot to change those. To my surprise, when the
transactions fired, GC happily put the splits into Cash and Banks, even
though Cash and Banks is now a placeholder account (I checked). I would
have expected some sort of error message when those transactions fire,
ideally with some sort of popup to let me designate a non-placeholder to
take the split this time.

I'm at GC 4.14, so if 5.8 no longer posts SX to placeholder accounts
there's not much point in my entering a bug. But if the behavior is
still the same then I think  bug report is appropriate. Would someone be
willing to check, please?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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