[GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 256, Issue 48

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Wed Jul 31 13:53:47 EDT 2024

No, that's what a placeholder is, an account with restricted posting. 
There is no combination of placeholder *with* transactions, though 
marking an account as a placeholder does not empty it of existing 
transactions. Those have to be reassigned manually. (so it is possibly 
to have a placeholder account with transactions that pre-existed the 
designation, but you won't be able to add any new ones, or at least you 
aren't supposed to)

I seem to recall a bug about importing into such accounts not long ago, 
but I think it was fixed. I don't recall the version however.


On 7/31/24 11:22 AM, Paras Desai wrote:
> I think There is an option for place holder account wherein, one can allow or restrict posting transaction. It may be checked what option has been selected.

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