[GNC] Setting font sizes in reports (specifically in Transaction Report)

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Mar 11 13:27:02 EDT 2024

Here's the bug link: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799248

Your attachment seems to be a printed version of the report, rather than 
an HTML 'export'. (Use the Export button on the toolbar, don't try to 
'print to file')

I'm spinning up a VM with 4.8 to confirm. As of 5.5 at least, that cell 
does have a class as I noted.

Perhaps switch to the 5.5 flatpak. At least you can style it using the 
method I described in my last post.


On 3/11/24 12:14 PM, Chris Green wrote:
> I have the exported HTML.  It would appear that the section (i.e.
> account) headings are in a <tbody>, see:-
>      </thead>
>      <tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="6">Lloyds</td>
>      <td> </td>
>      <td> </td>
>      </tr>
>      <tr><td> </td>
>      <td class="date-cell" rowspan="1" colspan="1">01/01/23</td>
>      <td class="text-cell" rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td>
>      <td class="text-cell" rowspan="1" colspan="1"></td>
>      <td></td>
>      <td>Lloyds Current</td>
> The 'Lloyds' is what I would expect to be in a large font but there
> seems to be no class to apply to it.  I have attached the whole
> exported HTML file, I can see no way to specify a larger size for the
> headings, it needs the HTML changing to give a class name to the
> section (account) headings.

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