[GNC] Help

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Mar 18 10:53:59 EDT 2024

On 3/18/2024 8:37 AM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
> No one other than your self can remove you from the list.

<< my last several have been straying from gnucash specific topics, so 
here goes again >>

This would apply to ALL mail lists managed by the same mail list 
program. But since it is a popular mail list management program (many 
mail lists use it) maybe a good idea to learn how you can give it orders 
to do this or that. Most people would go to the website, but "mailman" 
also responds to commands sent by email. To learn these:

Send an email to gnucash-user-request at gnucash.org with just the single 
word help (on the safe side, both subject line and body) Note that the 
"command" address for an elist managed by "mailman" will typically have 
this format

Mailman will respond to that with an email, the body of which will tell 
you ALL the things you can tell "mailman" to do. If you go through that 
list, you will see that ONE of the things you can do is remove an email 
address (somebody else's) from the list if you know their password << if 
you try it and don't know their password, mailman will communicate with 
them about the unsubscribe request >> It's what you would use (should 
use) when your email address changes, at least that's how I did it in 
the days when no broadband so no way to use the website method (and not 
all elists had that back in those days). In other words, "mailman" 
cannot distinguish whether that is really "somebody else's or two 
addresses of the same human. So you CAN remove "somebody else" from the 
list if you know their password and the admins can do it with their more 
powerful password << some commands require that >>

Michael D Novack

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