[GNC] Finance::Quote PreRelease 1.61_03

Kalpesh Patel kalpesh.patel at usa.net
Fri May 3 14:53:24 EDT 2024

My bad here ... since working with Perl 5.005 ... 

------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 03 May 2024 02:37:19 PM EDT
From: "Kalpesh Patel" <kalpesh.patel at usa.net>
To: Bruce Schuck <bschuck at asgard-systems.com>, GnuCash User
<gnucash-user at gnucash.org>Cc: Kalpesh Patel <kalpesh.patel at usa.net>, Fred
Tydeman <tydeman.fred at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote PreRelease 1.61_03

> Hi Bruce,
> Indeed it is old school way to generate make file and install Perl modules.
> do recall doing so on many iterations since working with Perl 5.10 days
> CPAN was in its infancy for couple of Financial Houses I was employed at
> were big time into Perl. Especially trying to build SSLeay module with
> OpneSSL, z-lib (or was it libz) and other dependent libraries' headers on
> Ultra Sparc 2's back then. What a nightmare (or fun) that was...  
> Anyways I was more interested in making sure that Fred had generated
> and not adopted from somewhere else that might be somewhat bastardized one.
> also got thrown off a bit in that when I cloned the repo for 1.61_03, it
> didn't have Makefile.PL so it was more to make sure it was installed from
> correct source.
> I looked at Makefile.PL for 1.61 source at CPAN and it does NOT have CPAN
> listed in PREREQ_PM or in %FallbackPrereqs. Might be worth adding to it...
> ------ Original Message ------
> Received: Fri, 03 May 2024 11:30:22 AM EDT
> From: Bruce Schuck <bschuck at asgard-systems.com>
> To: GnuCash User <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>Cc: Kalpesh Patel
> <kalpesh.patel at usa.net>, Fred Tydeman <tydeman.fred at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote PreRelease 1.61_03
> > On May 2, 2024 at 23:44:53 EDT Kalpesh wrote:
> > 
> > > That is possible that there is no depend target in the make file. 
> > > Just curious how you built/get the make file for it?
> > 
> > Kalpesh,
> > 
> > The old school method of installing Perl modules.
> > 
> > The makefile is created by running "perl Makefile.PL". Then one would 
> > execute "make", "make test", and "make install". When I first started 
> > using Perl, there was no "cpan" or "cpanm" that automated much of the 
> > process. Fetching prerequisites and installing them is one of the major 
> > reasons for using cpan/cpanm. It's been such a long time since I had 
> > used the OG module install method that I forgot that it does not have a 
> > mechanism for fetching and installing dependencies. Back in the day the 
> > dependencies were typically noted in the module's README file and one 
> > had to manually retrieve and install them.
> > 
> > This method is definitely not for Perl novices. These days it's more for 
> > those who display masochistic tendencies...
> > 
> > Bruce S.

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